Nordstrom Gift Guides – Gifts at Every Price

  1. Jennifer says:

    Great gift guides anna! Just ordered some of those cute PJ Salvage jammIes for mysElf through yoUr link. I love Nordstrom and thE Pj salvage brand- they’re stuff is so soft & Stylish! I was Planning tO get thOse fuzzy slippers too, but they don’t seem to come in sizes bigger than a nine- And this girl’s feet are in the dOuble digits?.

  2. Monica T Smith says:

    Those were my favorite times when I worked for Nordstrom, too! Thanks for sharing!

  3. AlghAshiyah says:

    Love the pJ’s and pom pom hat so cute. Nordstrom haS the cutest chic gift boxes … great list both for men & women
    congrats on the collAboration…
    Happy Holidays

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