Auntie Linda’s Broke Wrist Potato Salad

  1. Vanessa says:

    I just love your posts. I’m no longer on Instagram so I appreciate your blog updates. I haven’t had a good potato salad in a long time! Some things are meant to be unhealthy. I loved her emojis!

  2. Lauren mcleod says:

    Anna!! Can’t wait to make this for the 4th this weekend:) will tag you on ig!

  3. Jenny LeFlore says:

    This RECIPE was right on tIme. My auntie doriS USUALLY makes the potato Salad but recen has started getting dementia. I cant think of a cookout without It. I know i can pick up this trAdition but needed a place to start. Your auntie linda’s recipe will be on our table in chicago. Thank you

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